Forsaken 337 BC Page 2
:Half Greek and half Egyptian, strange,: thought Bethany. The layout of both styles of text written across the pillar's surface was strange to Bethany’s eyes. Taking a notebook from her inventory she began to take copious notes, :Cain or Toni can peruse these notes for clues. I don't understand any of the hieroglyphs. I can see and recognise individual letters I use daily, but what they were for the Greeks, I don't know.:
"Come here, look at this," said Lesley. Bethany stopped taking notes about the pillar and walked over to Lesley. She stood behind a small waist-high wall which surrounded the end of the paved area. Together, Bethany and Lesley took in the vista before them.
They spent a few moments looking at the views before returning to the others. As they walked past the blocked turn, entering the entrance tunnel into the amphitheatre, their return journey seemed quicker to them both than walking to and finding the pillar.
As Lesley and Bethany entered the amphitheatre, they noticed Cain and Toni, sat holding hands on the storage chest. While Daphne and Sophie sat in front, listening to what Toni was saying.
"My friend told me we need to find somewhere to rest. We missed the countdown timer for the last three hours while we journeyed here, we will soon receive the one-hour warning," Toni finished. Bethany caught Cain’s attention, then spoke.
"I don’t think we are moving from here at the moment," she said. "It appears the amphitheatre sits astride a mountain top, a colossal mountain, higher than all other mountains in our sight. We followed the tunnel beneath the seating, it emptied to a small paved area, surrounded by a wall.
"While scrutinising the spectacular view safe behind the wall, from our position above the clouds below us and absence of any mountain close, we realised we’re stuck up here. We’re that high even binoculars would not focus on the feet of this colossus, they built here the amphitheatre to trap people or drop them off as punishment."
"As we exited the tunnel, we came across a pillar in the middle of a paved area. Bethany took notes for you because it is strange even. There are both Greek letters and Egyptian Hieroglyphs, written and carved on its surface. I have never seen the like before. I've seen Greek and Egyptian but not both written together on the same object!" added Lesley.
Cain pondered what this could mean to them. :A game zone which had two opposing writing styles. Could this pillar be an oddity? I hope so. Now, where can we sleep? There does not seem to be anywhere we could use which would be safe, unless we have not found where we will sleep, yet.:
{Don’t forget you received that package when you found all four plaques. You could see what it does, it may be useful,} Enoch said to Cain. Cain opened his inventory, then retrieved the rectangular package with a blue flashing light.
"Hey, that’s what we got when you found the plaques in Las Vegas," said Sophie. "If it makes an aeroplane or a hot-air balloon, I’m dibs on piloting it, I looove flying."
"How about a large steamship, err, no water silly me, scrub that what about a hot tub with bubbles?" laughed Bethany.
"A fast sports car, red of course," said Toni, "a cabriolet," she added and laughed, miming driving with one hand, and waving the other.
"An igloo, somewhere cold in all this heat," Daphne said, "or an Airstream with air-con."
"How about a swimming pool and beach house. Anything could be in the package, except the next portal," said Lesley.
Cain ignored the lively banter of what the rectangular package would become. By any method of measurement time was disappearing, they needed more but were bereft. Left coping with a meagre shrinking supply and they needed to sleep before time ran out on them.
Clearing a few rocks away with his foot, Cain retrieved then placed the package on the ground. Happy with its position, reaching down he pushed the flashing blue button. Toni was shouting at him to hurry and get it up, which caused even more laughter. Cain heard Sophie saying, "It’s my turn next remember, I’ll help him get it up," which caused more laughter.
::Who would have guessed, they’d interact so well supporting one another, they share me easier than I share them. I'm pleased they don't seem to be fighting among themselves to be my number one. Not that I have witnessed anyway.:
Cain did not know what he was expecting, a long hiss or a loud popping sound, even a small explosion, but none of his expectations happened. Nothing seemed to happen, he was about to give it a tap with his foot when he noticed the package tremor. The package gave a slight vibration or two on the ground before the air above the package shimmered, as though the package was getting hot.
Not liking the signs, Cain stepped back a few strides, expecting the worst. One moment the package was still rectangular, then poof it changed shape. The change happened so fast, none of the group could say what happened, even though they watched.
Before their eyes neither fancy tent, fast sports car nor shiny mobile home; only an old, patched, tatty, canvas Portaloo. A tent version from the early 1950's, equipped with guy-lines and a wooden framed canvas covered door, with a toggle and rope lock for privacy.
"Hey, I’m desperate," shouted Daphne.
"No, let me go first it’s been ages since I last made a deposit," said Bethany. Toni stood and walked over to Cain who was peering at the toilet tent, looking and feeling glum.
"Don’t worry, it will come in useful," she said and gave Cain a big hug and kiss. "I was expecting more, but hey we will need to go take a pee sometime." Together they walked to the first seating tier and sat holding hands. As they sat each member received a pop-up message giving a one hour warning. Cain read it then dismissed it.
"So one hour to go and we need somewhere to sleep. We could sleep in the tunnel; it looks almost palatial... not! Though we can block both ends using the rubble from the cave-in at one end, with our new toilet at the other making it secure," Cain told Toni.
"Hey, I spy a note tacked to the frame of whatever it’s supposed to be, it also won’t open the door is jammed I think. It’s addressed to you Joseph," shouted Lesley.
Toni and Cain walked back to the toilet tent, hand in hand across to Lesley. Still holding hands with Cain, Toni held the note while they scrutinised the writing. The note ended up being an envelope. Cain shrugged his shoulders, squeezing Toni's hand before letting go accepting the envelope from Toni. He opened the envelope and retrieved a piece of parchment before reading aloud its message.
"Joseph, to activate this accommodation put your hand on the door hand print, then say the following. This accommodation belongs to Joseph and the DreamBabes. Once done only you and the DreamBabes can use this patented expando tent (P. E. T.), you may invite others inside but only you and the DreamBabes can open the P.E.T. If nobody from the clan is around or inside it will remain closed to other users.
This tent, your PET is indestructible when used for sleeping. A warning though, should you use the P. E. T. as a defensive point, it currently has ten thousand hit points. You can repair your P. E. T. if it takes damage and enhance it with additional spells or enchantments, such as invisibility or armour.
Our observations and silly ideas about the package before its revelation of being a toilet were wrong. This message has wetted my curiosity, I better follow the instructions.
Feeling an idiot, Cain stood near the canvas door and put his hand over the hand print. He noticed the hand print had a faint blue outline. Cain cleared his throat saying.
"This accommodation belongs to the DreamBabes and me," Feeling even more of an idiot, he tried opening the door, but it remained shut.
"Say the words as the note informed you," said Toni. Cain looked at the note again then read.
"This accommodation belongs to Joseph and the DreamBabes," Cain repeated. This time when he tried the canvas door it easily opened. Cain turned smiling as he spoke to Toni and the other DreamBabes.
"Hey, ladies come and look at this."
Toni though being the nearest, pushed in first past Cain, followed by Bethany, Lesley, Daphne and Sophie. His women inside Cain brought up
the rear, closing the door behind him a knowing smile on his face. They all stood inside the area much like a porch, beyond the door though not much further beyond. Cain, pushing and urging them in from behind, telling them he wanted to see further inside.
"Come on, haven’t you seen a TARDIS tent before? A blue police box, stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space. I remember watching that old film about three young magicians. I had a crush on that ginger one, Ron Weasel was his name or something similar, mind you was ages in the past.
"They owned a comparable ridge tent, larger inside than outside. Ours is even bigger than theirs was. Although theirs was only in a film, likely a prop not real. Now this one is real," Sophie said.
She ran and jumped on the huge octagonal bed placed at the rear of the tent. The bed had a large heart made up of balloons floating above it. Balloons in the colours of a rainbow were embroidered onto the bed's quilt cover, floating in a heart shape. Beneath the balloon heart were the letters JAHD, Joseph and his DreamBabes.
Cain noticed Sophie, though wriggling on top of the quilt, not seeming to take up much space on the large bed. :Yeah, there will be plenty of space for everyone to sleep, after we check things out,: Cain thought.
Toni suggested they take a quick look, so Cain and his Babes explored the insides. Toni spoke as they explored and proffered it was simplicity itself, an egalitarian design offering a flexible space.
Inside the door on the left of the entrance was a large storage area with a workshop, complete with a central workbench and storage bins lined the front and rear walls. Behind the storage area, was a sturdy canvas wall hiding the entrance to a sunken bath large enough for at least ten people.
A walk in shower where they all could easily fit, four toilets and three bidets were situated between the sunken bath and the wall with a doorway to the sleeping area.
On the far wall there was solid wooden door which they hoped to explore later, as they could not find a way to open it. Right after the entrance through an opening lived the kitchen preparation area. Beyond the kitchen was a relaxing seating area, with bean bags and large comfy looking sofas.
Opposite the entrance was the huge octagonal bed with a dressing area and storage area to the right hand side. Fastened up in front of the sleeping area was a draped separating curtain. The dressing area took up the rest of the space, being an open dressing area with six walk-in wardrobes, one being smaller.
"Now I believe we will make this place our home, sleeping while Forsaken reboots, or you could choose the tunnel for our sleeping arrangements," said Cain as he received another pop-up message. This message he read gave a fifty-minute warning which Cain dismissed without reading.
Cain expected and received veiled threats, about him sleeping alone outside, should he produce stupid repetitive comments. He doubted he’d be sleeping alone. Although the verbal consensus of his women not withstanding, Cain doubted it would happen.
"As we have received the fifty-minute countdown warning I think taking a look at our party screen would be good. I thought about posting the points to distribute screen, we can all see our levels, our individual points we'll see in our own area. This is a replica screen showing our previous statistics, should you require help to level speak to either Toni or me," Cain said.
They sat on the bed and allocated their points, Toni helped Daphne as she was not sure of the best build. Once they finished, Cain posted another party screen which showed their improved health, strength and mana levels once their points had been allocated. Which would be after they spent four hours in sleep. Uncertainty regarding the reboot, Cain could not estimate the length of the enforced sleep they would have.
"Hey Cain, there is a small box on this unit next to the bed. It has your name, or should I say our clan name on it," Sophie said. Cain walked over after he posted the new party levels and picked up the box. As Sophie said, they wrote 'Joseph and his DreamBabes,' across the box’s top. Although Cain knew nobody could have trapped the box, he used a trusty combat knife and opened it at arm’s length.
Once the lid opened a folded piece of paper popped out and drifted to the ground. Satisfied the box held no dangerous surprises, he closed the lid. Box in his hand Cain bent down and retrieved the folded piece of parchment from the floor before he read the note,
"Joseph, here is the unique price you receive for becoming the first fully active six-person Harem. In the box, you will find ten Mithril rings which hold two spells. These are the instructions on creating more of these rings, only for those in or allied with your clan. Any enchanting mage can create them if they are in the former.
"These rings auto size to fit any user you give them to, they only work when used on their index finger. A spell activates when the NPC (Non Playing Character) wearer receives a fatal hit or receives damage which would normally kill them. Once activated the spell saves the wearers life, eliminating any debuffs or continuous damage such as poison or bleeding.
"A ring gives upon the user ten percent of their health points after a near death experience. Once activated, the saved NPC will need either a healer mage to cast a spell on them, or they need to drink a health restore potion. The larger a restore potion the better.
"A second spell on the ring allows you as the clan leader and the wearer, the ability to communicate with your minds. There is no distance limit on communicating using a ring. Use them with NPCs you want to keep alive if only once. The note ends with the signature System EI. Under the signature was more writing.
"This box and rings are outside the games core code, use them to overcome Jason White. Do not speak out loud of this note, share only with the members of your Harem. I have watched your play and interactions. You care not only for your lovers but NPCs too. Do not let my trust in you be futile."
:Oh bugger, things are bad when the game’s main EI is creating items to equip players in their fight against Jason:
Cain suddenly remembered a promise he made and spoke to Sophie. "Sod it, the time is running away from us, me to be precise. I'm sorry Sophie, there is scant enough time to settle ourselves down, I’m sure you want, no, require more than a quickie, I know I do. I promise we'll spend time together and I’ll make love with you, once the game comes back online."
Toni, on hearing Cain tell Sophie, added she would take part joining with them too.
Enoch, what length of time do news outlets inform people the server will reboot? Cain asked
{The press release is telling people the server could be down for anywhere between 8 to 12 hours. The latest internal memo at Square Projekt Quality Red, has the shut-down at 18 hours. They are hoping to solve players not being able to leave the game, or come up with a solution which makes it look like players can leave the game.
{What the company does not know, a subroutine Jason wrote regarding the Earth 2027 zone. According to the system about the players logged in to the Earth zone. There are 12,471 players in the game zone. After the update all 12,471 will no longer be active players. Their profiles and avatars held. They will be there until you can find Vince, then free the system of Jacob’s designs,} Enoch replied. In the process of Enoch speaking to Cain, the party received the forty-minute warning, Cain dismissed it while he listened to Enoch.
[Toni, I have been monitoring the health of Daphne since she joined Cain and your group, she is not doing well. I hacked the prison hospital ward server, and she is suffering from a slow brain bleed.
[In reading her notes, during the operation removing the spike, small fragments came off remaining inside. The surgical team believed they would do no harm to Daphne. One of those pieces is now doing harm to Daphne’s brain.
[She needs an AI to help stabilise her, repairing the damage done at a Nanobot level. Enoch contacted John, and he is already making four more NI+A at Cain’s request. He will have one done in under an hour,] Rahab told Toni.
Cain, Toni, Enoch and Rahab sat talking about the consequences of Jason’s interference in the game. The four discussed backward
and forward making plans for implementing once released from the PODs, living outside the game. Engaged in talking the game was quick to advance as they all received the thirty-minute warning as a pop-up on their HUDs.
"My best guess places all players and NPCs asleep for eighteen hours of real time play. I have an idea, but don’t want to share it. Enoch and Rahab will carry out exploration about this zone while we sleep," Cain said.
Toni leaned over to Cain giving him a kiss, after she cleared her system pop-up message from her HUD. "My friend Rahab, tells me we have a problem but a solution is being hopefully created for us. Though you are going to message the group as it is easier than speaking to us on our own.
"Can you go comfort Daphne while I send a group message, as she may not know what a group message is," said Toni.
Cain moved over to Daphne joining her on the bed, putting his arm around her giving her a squeeze and whispering to her,
"Don't worry about the message Toni sends out, we will take care of you. You are part of our clan and we all love you and will do anything to protect you. I know words sometimes sound cheap, but hopefully our plan and actions will allay your fears." Toni sat at the other side, opposite her and sent her message once Cain finished whispering to Daphne..