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Forsaken 337 BC Page 5

  Toni told the women they were being given a drug, one which made them do as suggested. From what you say, it would seem your male colleague, Levi didn't you tell us? Well it looks like he found a way to drug you regularly, possibly each night before you start work.

  He plants or suggests to you what he wants you to do in here, then watches and records the vid-feeds. Posting them to his own website, making money from your drug induced sex sessions.

  {I have watched the vid-feeds from the security system. Levi uses a password to alter the women and make them follow his commands. You will need to erase that password and replace it with one that cannot be easily found,} Enoch said.

  After listening to Toni and Cain, the two women agreed to help them deal with their colleague Levi, before they picked up Daphne's POD. The two women dressed, keen to leave the room as Toni suggested. Soon dressed, they stood holding hands and waited for Cain who overlaid the old instructions, Levi had given them. Cain gave the women a new phrase which should help protect them until the drug wore off.

  "It will take around two weeks for the hypnotic effects of the drug to finally wear off. You need to be careful of who you let control your lives. Although my new code word will make giving you commands harder," Cain told the women.

  "Why don’t I remember the times we have made love?" Mila asked. "I like Suza, very much, but as a good friend not as a lover. I don't think."

  "Me too, I like Mila. Would I make love to her again? Yes, but only if she wanted. I love my partner Troy, and I know he’d love for me to bring Mila home. But that would have to be when we are free of this drug," said Suza.

  Mila looked at her friend and realised she too would like to make love to her once the drug had left their systems. Using the elevator, they reached the floor where most of the PODs were. Cain went first, followed by the trolley following like a tame dog. Toni walked out with Mila and Suza as the doors closed behind them.

  "Hey what are you doing here?" asked Levi looking up from his pad. "You shouldn’t be here!" Standing he moved towards the phone on the nearby desk to call for one of the institute guards. Before he moved any further he noticed Mila and Suza walking toward him, with another woman. Blinking he looked back at the pad and watched as the two women were making love. Mila pounded Suza, with the large dildo he had brought in for that purpose.

  "Looking for this, Levi?" Toni asked. Rahab told her what he was watching, as she held up the large black dildo.

  Levi looked back at his pad, still seeing the women making love. He walked backward, bumping into Cain who had ghosted around the room and was now standing in his path, behind him. Levi let out a scream like a little girl and lost control of his bladder.

  "Please don’t hurt me I’ve got a family," Levi sobbed.

  [Levi’s institution records say he is single. Wider records reveal he lives with his old and senile mother,] Rahab informed Toni.

  Toni winced as she watched Cain hit Levi on his temple, knocking him out. Cain pulled Levi up from the floor, placed him in a chair and searched for some cord to tie him down. Toni went with Suza and Mila and searched Levi’s work lockers. They returned as Cain swapped out the power connections on the POD. The trolley’s portable power source now running everything on the POD in preparation for taking Daphne. Cain looked up when Toni and the two women returned, he told Toni,

  "I bet Levi wasn't stupid enough to leave his locker open, was he?"

  "Nope he wasn't," smirked Toni. "I had to use my combat knife to cut through the locking bar, it was really easy. Cain, are you sure that is Daphne?" Toni asked as she and Cain looked through the POD lid, he replied.

  "Yes Toni, I'm sure. I know this woman looks nothing like the Daphne we know and love in Forsaken. Yet this POD is the only one on this floor, in this section connected to Forsaken. If you take a look at her, how her body is slight not to mention she is black, where in Forsaken she is a busty white blonde haired female.

  "I think somebody wanted to humiliate her, take away her identity even if she herself was not aware. The details John and Enoch provided say this is the correct POD, so the beautiful black woman has to be Daphne in the real world, and Daphne in Forsaken."

  Enoch and Rahab set up a new bank account in joint names of Suza and Mila Jones. Toni asked Suza and Mila for their finger prints on her pad, then using the software they each scanned their left eyes. Fingers and eyes scanned for gaining access to new bank accounts. Accounts activated by Enoch, though both women needed their finger print and eye scan to gain access to their new individual accounts.

  Enoch transferred a little over three point six million credits into the two accounts. Then deleted all the recordings of Suza and Mila, not only on Levi's server at his home but in the cloud too, making them as safe as they could be. Enoch also stopped the looped recording in the empty room.

  Levi came around groggy, tied to a sturdy plastic chair. Struggling, he tried to break the cords which tied his hands, but he was not strong enough. Cain shone a bright light into Levi’s eyes, making him blink and try to move out of the way.

  Levi tried hard but could not move, his head was held firm by Toni, who kept him from moving. Together Toni and Cain explained what would happen. Suza and Mila would retire as they had come into a bit of money. He would stay working there.

  If he made any moves in trying to recover the vid-feeds he had posted and stored, then his life would be over. Should he try and drug them again, his life would be over. Levi shook, terrified as the man looking at him looked like the spectre of death. He had no options as he agreed to the terms.

  His life was worth more than getting two of his hot colleagues to fuck their brains out each night while he recorded and sold the live streaming rights. Levi, spoke out loud the terms of what he agreed. Knowing all too well the vid-feed recording would surface before his death.

  Suza and Mila walked outside to the hover lorry with Toni and Cain. Thanking them again for taking them out of the situation they found themselves in. Handing a business card to Mila, Cain told them to contact that number if they were ever in any danger. If anyone tried to blackmail them or make them do things they didn’t want to do. Giving the women a quick hug, Cain then loaded Daphne's POD.

  "You will have to stay at work for the rest of tonight. I suggest you do not untie Levi until the start of the shift change. You can tell the human resources you will not be coming back in to work then. We will arrange for somebody to keep an eye out on you. We will make sure you get everything you need to help in your recovery from what Levi did to you," Toni said as she shared longer hugs with Suza and Mila. Toni climbed aboard the hover lorry waved to them before Cain drove away from the institute.

  "Do you think they will be OK?" asked Toni.

  "Imagine working with somebody who would take advantage of you like that, and you never know. Yes I do think they will be OK," said Cain. While privately hoping the women would be all right once they left work and became drug free in two weeks once it had flushed from their bodies.

  {You can send them more money} Enoch said. Cain agreed, telling Enoch to keep a check on them and see what happened as he drove back to the airfield at Deelen.

  Chapter 4

  Body Swap

  There was no traffic on the roads once they left the institute, they drove to the airfield in silence each lost in their own thoughts. Thirty minutes later, pulling up at the side of their plane they climbed into the back of the lorry.

  Cain attached the EI recording box to the neural link port on Daphne, his fingers felt the coarseness of the skin around the port. Looking closer he noticed there was heavy scarring, from what should have been a simple operation. He remembered feeling not only his own but Toni's too. They were both smooth, with the metal port flush to the skin. His fingers touched his own NL port, and the near seamless connection.

  {They must have used a blunt box knife, to damage the base of her skull and her neck like that. Let me check on when she had the link fitted…... There are no records
of Daphne ever having a link professionally fitted. If you cut her neck under the scar tissue, you should be able to see the NL’s serial number,} Enoch told Cain.

  Toni sat on Cain's lap with her arm around his back. laying her head on his shoulder. They waited for the EI to record enough data to mimic Daphne over the decoy body, to the game system. Rahab told Toni they now had enough data to replicate Daphne while she slept in the game.

  :Stabbing somebody with my knife is one thing, using the blade as a surgical instrument is another. Tell me why I need to do this?: Cain asked Enoch. Putting on a pair of latex gloves, Cain used his sharp combat knife following Enoch's instructions.

  The skin on Daphne's neck parted easy under the blade's honed three micron edge. Little beads of blood followed the blade as Cain cut the skin where Enoch suggested, around the scarred NL connector, cutting out the scarred tissue.

  Daphne's skin parted along the two-inch cut, revealing the neural link plate had been installed at an angle. Taking a gauze wipe from a small hand-sized box she had picked up from the room where they found Suza and Mila. Toni handed Cain a gauze, which he took and cleaned the small amount of blood away. The NL plate was now free of scarred tissue and blood, revealing the serial number. Holding the slight incision open with his fingers he turned to Toni.

  "Toni, do you have the NL+A neural plate there?" he asked. Telling Cain John had given her the new connector, she held the packaged NL+A interface out for Cain to use. With a steady hand Cain removed the old NL plate with the data connection now attached to the EI.

  Taking the new NL+A from Toni, Cain inserted it in almost the same location, making sure the small probe wires entered a new location. Making sure the connector was flush with Daphne's skin, Cain closed the wound internally using surgical glue to bond the layers of skin and NL+A together.

  "Can you use your phone camera to take a macro photo of the old NL plate for me please, Toni?" Cain asked. Toni took out her phone while Cain applied pressure to the cut while the surgical glue set.

  Toni focused the camera's lens on the NL plate she let the camera's software take a macro photo. Photo taken, Rahab accessed the image. Toni swapped over from Cain, she held Daphne's skin together while Cain looked for a medical kit. Going into what was a small store box in the rear of the lorry, Cain found a large ten-person first aid kit.

  Unzipping the kit, Cain grabbed what he needed for Daphne's wound. Applying four small self absorbing sutures, Cain covered the small incision, making a smarter scar. He then rubbed antiseptic cream around the operation area.

  Picking up the EI and the small connection lead, Toni was careful as she slid the connector into the new neural link. With the EI now connected to Daphne and the transmitter Rahab activated it, to rerecord Daphne's brain and body patterns. The Artificial Intelligence core started its journey in integrating with Daphne's brain stem.

  "Rahab says it looks like somebody tried scratching out the serial number, but didn’t do such a good job," Toni said. "What they scratched out was the numerical manufacturer's name, not the serial number. Rahab is checking the records for us."

  [The basic neural link, assembled a month ago by Square Projekt Quality Red’s electronic division. Let me check who purchased it…… The NL failed the quality test, marked as defective stock, put aside for smelting.

  [Failing the quality check, it should have gone for recycling at the smelter. I checked on the supervisor who failed the product, the last person who physically touched the neural link. He received 75 thousand credits in his three-year-old daughter’s savings account. That money came from the accounts linked to the prime minister of the EC.

  [At the same time our friend Levi, received an equal 75 thousand credits, I’m assuming his payment was for fitting the NL off the books to Daphne. His payment also came from the prime minister’s account.

  [Levi's work IP address generated an online account for Daphne to play Forsaken. Her account, paid for ten years of playing. Levi received a rebate as a signing on incentive. Daphne's account should have cost fifteen thousand. He paid out the full amount but received a refund of eleven thousand, from SPQR,] Rahab informed Toni. While the EI box continued to pull the data from Daphne, Toni told Cain everything Rahab had told her.

  "I know it is Jasper De Vries, or somebody in his employ who arranged it, all the trails lead back to him. So, thinking outside the box, why would Jason White want Daphne dead? What do you think our Daphne found on him six years ago while investigating De Vries? It must be something Jason is trying to cover up, cover up with her death," Toni said to Cain.

  {We should have enough recording using the new NL+A of Daphne's vitals in another minute. You can attach the EI to the other woman once their vehicle arrives here at the plane,} Enoch told Cain. Time seemed to fly for Cain who waited for the EI to finish, so he could disconnect the lead when Enoch said {Times, up.}

  Receiving the OK from Enoch, Cain with tenderness disconnected the EI and reconnected Daphne to her POD. Once disconnected he covered the port and scar with a new dressing. Placing the EI on the bench at his side, Cain turned to Toni.

  Together they sat holding hands, talking about childhoods to fill the time. Enoch told Cain, he was checking on Mila and Suza, who were sat side by side heads in the room you found them in. They are talking about their snatches of memory from the past two months, Mila has hold of Suza's hand. Cain and Toni waited making every moment count sharing snippets of their past lives. Looking at her watch Toni was sure the others were late.

  :Something feels wrong. What will we do then, we need to get Daphne back home?: Toni's thoughts were interrupted by Rahab

  "Rahab says they are ten minutes out. They had a bit of difficulty in gaining the body, but everything is on schedule for the body swap. The body they are bringing will take over in Daphne’s POD, becoming her clone once the EI is connected, it will act as Daphne, connected to Forsaken until we get her home. Once the neurosurgeon completes the operation, Daphne should be safer under our care.

  [Did you know?] Rahab said [You and I have to help the neurosurgeon, as they couldn’t find a nurse at such short notice. I'm sure we will perform sufficiently,] Toni told Cain what Rahab told her, especially about helping the neurosurgeon. Cain didn’t feel like telling her he would be the neurosurgeon, well his body was.

  :Enoch was the one who would undertake the operation, riding my body. It’s like remote driving a vehicle for an EI, I’m the vehicle, Enoch the driver.: The approaching hover lorry drove through the same gap in the perimeter fence Cain used twice previously. Two minutes later they were pulling up alongside their vehicle at the end of the runway. Whispering Toni said.

  "I have a bad feeling about this. Something does not feel right, why are they so late?" Cain said she should follow her instincts as she slipped toward the back of their lorry, touching the POD for balance. Standing, she changed her clothing, saying "night camouflage," to the suit's EI. With her suit changed Toni slipped over the tailgate into the night, hidden in the lengthening shadows.

  :Rahab, could you contact John please? Ask him who the team leader is we are supposed to meet at this end.?: Toni jogged over thirty yards out from the back of their lorry before looping back heading for the other lorry's cab. Reaching the cab of the supposed collection lorry, she was relieved as they had turned off the vehicle's lights. Crossing the front of both cabs, Toni could hear Cain talking down to two people. Although Toni could not see, she imagined Cain had gone back into the shadows, behind the POD.

  [Troy, the lead person is Troy. He is of stocky build around five foot ten tall, light ginger hair, going grey with a trimmed beard. According to John’s profile, he is a cuddly bear, with a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He has two men with him. One called Mitch who is nearly six feet the other Royce, is over six feet tall,] Rahab told Toni. Moving out from the cab so she could get a better look at their lorry's rear. Having moved over enough, Toni could tell the two men were not even close to six feet tall.

ell, they aren’t Mitch or Royce, could be Mitch and Troy though?: Moving silent back to the other cab, putting her ear against the door. Toni heard nothing at first, but then heard a slight moaning coming from inside. Climbing up the front of the lorry, making no noise she walked on the vibrating hood, peering in the windscreen. Any noise Toni made was covered by the still running engine.

  Not seeing anything through the windscreen, Toni climbed on top of the cab. From there she slit the fabric wall covering the frame, before slipping into the back of the lorry. Looking up she saw an old style POD, which lit the cargo area. Toni noticed a fabric panel still covered the back of the lorry, the rear fastened down tight and secure.

  On the bed of the lorry Toni found two men, trussed up and unconscious, like thanksgiving turkeys. She checked the POD and noticed the control panel showed flashing lights indicating a dead occupant, though the POD was fine, not the contents.

  :Bugger, shit, this spoils everything. Who brought us this dead body, or have those speaking to Cain killed her?: Taking another risk, Toni climbed back onto the cab roof, slipping down to the ground. Listening and still hearing Cain talking with the two men, Toni held her breath as she opened the driver's door. She prayed the internal light did not work as the door opened, the light stayed off; Toni let out her breath.

  Pulling herself inside and letting the door rest on the latch. Her breathing relaxed a little until she heard a grunt. Looking down toward the noise there in the passenger footwell was a bound and gagged body. Toni hoped this was Troy. Looking at the gag wrapped around his mouth and the beaten face, Toni prayed he was conscious.

  Taking care in looking, she noticed a huge black eye the swelling closed the eyelid. While the other blinked open focusing and staring at her. Whispering Toni said,