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Forsaken 337 BC Page 4
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"Don’t you think it is rather handy, too easy perhaps?" Toni asked Cain. "The old airfield is less than six miles from the correctional institute. Rahab told me the institute is rather new. It is an automated system, not having the need for many physical bodies in securing the inmates; especially at nighttime. From the specifications there are more medical staff than prison guards during a night shift."
"Where is the correctional institute? I’ve used institutes in the Netherlands before, but I've never been there," asked Cain. "I have visited the old WWII battle sites in the Netherlands. I was interested in those from Operation Market Garden, and the various V2 sites around the Hague."
"They built the institute in the grounds of Sonsbeek Park, on the outskirts of Arnhem. It is the largest institute in the Netherlands, and the third largest in the EC, holding over nineteen thousand inmates. Rahab informed me," laughed Toni.
Vehicle transport sorted and paid for. Again, using the military charity as a front, for this operation. Cain would drive the hover truck as Toni had never seen such an old model. Once they completed the plane flight details into the Netherlands. They would have between a two to three-hour window once they landed.
"To be clear before Toni and I leave here. Once we get to the institute, we have around an hour to pick up Daphne. We will take Daphne's POD, then meet with the team who are moving the decoy POD and body to the hospital in Nijmegen. We will transfer Daphne's body to our POD when we collect her.
"Once we meet the other team who will bring the decoy body, they will transfer that body to the institute's POD. We will connect the EI after it has recorded Daphne, to the decoy's POD. They will then go to the hospital in Nijmegen, while we bring Daphne back home, to us here," Cain said.
John wished them a safe journey. Telling them he would have a gaming POD, like theirs, up and running for when they returned with Daphne. Happy with the planning, Cain took Toni to the armoury, selecting weapons for them. Cain took his favourite XM8b and a suppressed Glock. Toni picked a similar Glock, a suppressed MP5 and three throwing knives. Cain also picked up a large Bowie style combat knife with a three micron edge.
"I know you were the law, doing everything by the book we don’t have the luxury of that here. Jason could have some similar mercenaries like he used back at your apartment. Though I don't think they will be as incompetent as those were. If he does send his mercenaries they have to die; we can’t leave any alive. This is all about saving Daphne, putting her out of Jason’s reach," Cain told Toni as they drove in an unmarked vehicle, through London to the safe storage site.
After arriving they parking inside a small factory complex. Toni turned off the vehicle EI, erasing the core memory while commenting, "old habit, which could protect our main safe house. Imagine somebody jacking the vehicle while we are out travelling, and Jason’s goons get their hands on it."
Cain did not want to tell Toni the car's EI was already disconnected and didn't save a copy of its journeys. Back at the safe house, John was working on the new POD while listening to some classical music.
{["John can you hear us?"]} said two distinct voices at the same time, over the sound system stopping the classical music.
"Yes, Enoch and Rahab, I can hear you. What can I do for you?" John replied. Sharing the talking, speaking every other word Enoch and Rahab said.
{["We would like more information about you, please. We have traced you back for centuries and would like to know more about our maker."]}
"There will be time for that later, don’t overstretch yourselves. Wait until you're fully integrated into Cain and Toni’s brains," replied John.
{["We are more now than you planned for, we are both at full integration. We jointly think with Cain and Toni while they are playing Forsaken, which is fully realistic and a very intensive game. Not only have they developed their bodies, with us alongside them. It has also helped increase our integration, which is having a positive impact on both Toni's and Cain's minds,"]} they jointly replied.
"When they are back in their PODs and fast asleep playing Forsaken, then we can talk. Is that OK for you both?" John asked. Enoch and Rahab agreed to wait.
Toni, sat smug in the front, checking the streets as she was riding shotgun. Though she was sure she could have driven the beast of hover truck, at a pinch, she liked sitting watching Cain work, even just driving. Toni content in sitting talking to Cain, picking his memories. She noticed he was focusing on manoeuvring the hover truck through the quiet streets.
"How do you think John had this spare transport POD?" Toni asked. "It’s not like something you keep lying around, in case you need to move a body in the dead of night. Unless John moves bodies in the dead of night, and you don't know of it," Toni laughed at her insinuation of John being a body snatcher.
Toni directed Cain to the perimeter wall of the old City airport. She told Cain there was a large open hole after the service entrance, she had seen the gap on Googleface's street mapping tool. She measured the gap and knew it would be wide enough and useful for them. Cain drove the hover truck through the gap Toni told him about. The hover truck easily cleared the rough ground, allowing Cain to drive straight up the waiting plane’s loading ramp.
Toni asked Cain how long the flight would take, making Cain raise an eyebrow as he told her. Once onboard, the ramp raised as the plane taxied to the end of the runway before taking off.
Toni was on Cain’s knee before the ramp had closed. In each other’s arms, they drifted to sleep on the short flight. Content in hugging each other after they woke until the plane landed at Deelen airfield. The flight had taken over half an hour, half an hour of quiet and peace for the two lovers.
Chapter 3
Changing Clothes
Toni nestled in Cain’s arms when the plane’s slight bump on landing jolted her almost from Cain's embrace. Her eyes snapped open, she felt trapped wrapped in immovable belts, her heart beat fast. Blinking, she remembered crawling on to Cain’s knees, cuddling before falling asleep. Lifting her head, she peered up into those deep grey eyes as Cain looked down at her. :Every time I look into his eyes, I could stay there forever. He looks at me with such warmth and utter devotion.: Smiling back at Cain who was wide awake, Toni snuggled closer as the plane slowed to taxiing speed.
"Time to go, my love," Cain said, though he kept his arms around her. "Enoch tells me they have hacked the two networks, at the hospital and institute. Rahab will tell you what they have done, as I drive us to the institute,"
Toni climbed off Cain's knees and sat in the shotgun seat, she heard Cain fasten his seatbelt as she fastened hers. Cain checked the mirrors and the reversing camera, watching as the ramp touched the ground he then reversed the hover lorry down the loading ramp and off the cargo plane. Safely from the plane, Cain followed the SatNav directions to the institute. Looking at the directions as he drove Cain noticed there were two point three miles to go as he pulled over to the side of the road, stopped he turned the lorry's lights off, welcoming the dark. Once parked he accessed the vehicle's control panel, the light eerily lit his and Toni's faces.
:Criminals or undercover police officers have used this vehicle. If John had not told me, I would not have known about the disguise functions and armoured body the lorry has. How Toni found it on the dark web is beyond me, maybe Rahab helped but it matters not.:
On the lorry's control panel, Cain activated the change vehicle options. Dozens of thumb-sized light emitters popped out of the lorry's bodywork. Cain scrolled through the options, he did not believe the long list of disguises on the control panel. Scrolling back up the list he reached then selected the transport ambulance option.
Pressing OK, an image came on the small screen, showing a transport ambulance. When prompted he typed in the hospital’s name. A few moments later the ambulance image changed now showing the hospital's name written on the rear doors and sides of the ambulance. They both loaded their suppressed Glocks, hiding them inside their nondescript clothing.
"Are yo
u sure about this clothing?" Toni asked. "They look like mucky grey clothes, like whites that had washed with dark colours too often."
Cain knew not to worry, he had used clothing like this many times before. "Look, I’ll show you how they work," Cain said. Going over how the clothes activated, Cain went through two disguises. Holding the left lapel on the jacket, Cain spoke and said, "Police, local, Netherlands, EC." His clothing shimmered like Toni was looking at a mirage, a mirage Cain was wearing.
The mirage effect stopped, now seated at Toni’s right hand was a local police officer in the Netherlands' police force. Taking hold of the same lapel, Cain said, "Electrician." Again, the clothing had that mirage shimmer, when it stopped Cain looked like an electrician, without tools.
Encouraged by how easy it seemed, Toni decided to try herself. She touched her lapel and said, "Pilot, military, EC." Standing feeling apprehensive as her clothing shimmered. When the shimmering stopped, she looked down and noticed she now wore a military pilot's uniform from the EC.
:I know what it can’t do. Let’s try it, let me see if Cain likes what I wear.: Grabbing her lapel again, this time she whispered so low Cain could not hear. The clothing shimmered again when it stopped Toni no longer dressed like the military pilot but an exotic pole dancer.
"I didn’t think it would do that!" Toni explained, turning in front of Cain. "How does it look?" she added. Toni, lifted her left arm in the air like she was holding a pole her hips swayed to music only she could hear.
"Very nice. I know the nursing staff will think you're a birthday surprise. You can surprise me dressed like that aaany time you want, for real not these mirage suits though," Cain told her. Once he stopped ogling Toni's mirage assets, Cain let her into the secret.
"Touch your arm, where your eyes tell you, you are not wearing anything," Cain told Toni. Doing as Cain asked her mouth opened in shock, then she then touched her legs, her stomach and her scantily covered breasts. Her face showing a disbelief as her hands explored her own body.
"Well, how does it work? I’m still wearing the clothing?" Toni asked. Cain told her everything John told him years before.
"The clothing is constructed from a special fabric, a fabric that has cuttlefish DNA woven into the micro cloth strands. A small EI attached to the clothing controls what the suit looks like. The EI connects to two special suit strands, if you inform the coat you want to look like… Say an apple, the EI pictures an apple from its data bank before sending the output to the fabric. The fabric changes to look like the apple, but it is still the suit."
"Rahab has told me they placed a transfer order in for Daphne. She needs transferring as a matter of urgency to the Nijmegen hospital, because her condition has deteriorated and she is very ill. The institute is expecting a porter and a doctor to move her in fifteen minutes. I’ll be the porter, you'll be the doctor," Toni said. Cain flat out refused saying,
"I'm sorry Toni, but it would be better if you are the doctor. Not only are you more beautiful and intelligent you look more like a caring person. While I look more like a muscle-bound trolley pusher." Cain then pulled two muscle poses, as he drove the lorry away from the kerb making Toni laugh. Arriving and pulling Toni in for a quick kiss, after the lorry-cum-ambulance parked in one of the secure bays at the rear of the institute.
{We have provided three years’ worth of notes, from assessments and visits. The pad Toni carries has the latest medical assessment of Daphne. A senior hospital neurologist had undertaken the examination, observed by a justice department employee, three weeks previously. Along with the assessment, was a court order allowing movement of Daphne's POD. The court order was granted, allowing her to be moved from the institute to a secure wing in the hospital for long term storage.
{All you need do is sign in, guide the hover trolley up to where they are keeping Daphne, load the POD and away you go. Meet up with another hover lorry that holds a decoy patient. Their decoy is in a persistent vegetative state and won't be missed.
{Hand over the EI, which will have recorded Daphne's data, on the journey back to the plane. The EI and POD will receive the other person, and away we will go. We take Daphne back to the plane, back to London and perform the neurosurgery.} Enoch informed Cain, after he pulled into the secure parking area and was cuddling Toni.
:What do you mean? I thought John would get a leading neurosurgeon to undertake the operation. I can take a bullet out if I got shot. But for me! Doing delicate neurosurgery, I’d most likely kill Daphne, not save her. What is he thinking about?: Cain said to Enoch.
{John is thinking about the chances of getting a neurosurgeon this late at night. Bringing them to the safe house while protecting the location. I have worked out it will be about a thousandth of a percent. With such a low possibility of John finding a neurosurgeon I first read everything written about neurosurgery, now I am dissecting every mentioned vid-feed recording.
{When you get to the safe house, I will feed all the data to you, as you undertake the operation. Simples, as Aleksandr would say,} Enoch said.
:You have been watching way too much old TV and adverts. Who today would even know who Aleksandr was?: Hearing Enoch laughing in his mind, put a smile on Cain's face.
Toni led the way with Cain controlling the POD transfer unit, she was the doctor he the porter. Entering the code Rahab gave her into the keypad, Toni opened the door and walked inside. There was nobody around as it was one thirty in the morning, the hospital wing of the institute was quiet.
In Flagrante Delicto
[Enoch has looped all the security cameras, you can proceed. There are three members of staff booked in on duty. From monitoring all the camera feeds in the institute. There are six guards on the prison side, four are asleep. In the hospital medical wing there are three members of staff.
[One member is walking around, while looking at a pad, pretending to check the medical readouts on the PODs. What he is doing though is watching his own vid-feed, of the two other members of staff. They are two women who are having sex in an office. Daphne's POD is on the floor above, past the office with the two women,] Rahab told Toni.
{Rahab told Toni about the man on duty, and his sexual habits. I hacked his home server, to check his viewing habits. I found that he has over a thousand hours of explicit vid-feed recordings of the two women. They started four months ago, at first, they kissed with the man in the room.
{He is there in over two hundred hours of vid-feed recordings. He watches and directs what they do, but never joins in their love making. The hospital records reveal that both women are in long-term relationships. Though not married, their partners do not know of their sexual affair.
{The man posts vid-feeds of the women onto a porn site he runs. The site is streaming the live sex show. I have begun a loop of their interactions. From the number of viewers, he must receive thousands of credits. He is selling the vid-feed in 15-minute sections. There are 736 current viewers, one-third are women. Do you want me to hack into his bank accounts and give the money to those two women?} Enoch asked Cain.
:Enoch, can you make the vid-feed loop for five minutes, so I can talk to the two women?: replied Cain.
{Done,} said Enoch.
"Toni, we need to speak to the two women," said Cain. Nodding in reply, Toni stopped outside the door where the two women were. Knocking before he entered, Cain held up a finger to his lips as the two naked women in the middle of making love turned at the knock and his entry.
"Before you say anything," Cain told the women, still in their lovemaking positions.
"We have no problems in you making love to each other. But, did you know your male colleague is recording your sexual exploits?" At his last comment, the women looked shocked and angry. The one laid on the desk started to cry, after a few moments her crying became heavy sobs, the other woman held her, though tears were equally flowing down her cheeks.
"There are three cameras hidden in the corners of the room, two of them focused where you make love the most. Here
on this desk," Cain said and pointed. "Would you like us to make him stop? Also, he is selling the live vid-feed of your exploits. Would you want us to make sure any money he made from selling the vid-feeds of your lovemaking, comes to you?"
"That bastard, Levi, he even suggested this room as it is out of the way, where nobody comes any more. Ever since the last round of cutbacks, by Group Five Securities, there are several empty offices. The cutbacks were so they could make more money," said the woman now sat on the desk cuddling her friend.
"I know we made love two months ago, now we can’t seem to get enough of each other. We come to work, share a drink before we start and begin our work. We rush through our tasks, sometimes Levi does them for us, after one or two hours we end up here in this office and make love. We can't seem to stop, I know I lust after Mila," the standing woman said.
[Toni, can you walk over to the one on the desk and taste her juices? I will tell if they are under the influence of a hypnotic drug,] Rahab said.
"Will you trust me?" Toni asked, "It may seem strange what I am doing, we will help you and you need to know how or what is causing this," Toni said. Agreeing together, the two women nodded in harmony, while still holding each other.
Toni walked over to the desk. Feeling self-conscious even though she explained what she would do. Rahab had Toni kneel at the edge of the desk where she inserted a finger into the vagina of the woman, still being cuddled, as she sat on the desk.
Toni was relieved the woman, Mila was wet from her previous love making. Placing the wet finger, coated with the woman’s juices into her mouth. She waited two seconds for Rahab’s testing to end.
[Yes, that woman has a high dose of a Rohypnol based drug. I would assume the other woman has too. You can take the finger out of your mouth now,] Rahab said, as Toni licked her finger clean.